Jimmy Gui-Zu

Kin of the Khan
Training Assistant of the Opal Teeth Sentai


~James “Jimmy” Gui-zu exudes excellence and strong breeding, as if he were born with a silver spoon in his mouth but lacks the arrogance such dilettantes often show. That may be because he doesn’t wear knock-off brands, so his middle-class fashion shows in his simple khakis and polo shirts. The tall, even lanky Chinese man seems older than his – late 20s maybe – though this may be simply reinforced by his even and quiet temperament. Of course, he does have his one vanity. Jimmy always wears sunglasses, masking his cool brown eyes that contain an almost desperate intensity. Maybe that’s what fuels his push to stay in such great shape, as well as the humble goals of his entire life.~

OOC: Appearance 3; Pure Breed 4

"They're my sisters, now back off!"


Education of Excellence

The Court of the Iron Cedar would not be a bad place to grow up at all if one happens to be Kin to the Khan. James Gui-Zu, born 1984, enjoyed his life as a “protected asset” of the hengeyokai. His father, Enlai, of Manchu ancestry, served as a lawyer for the court’s interests. Meanwhile, Jimmy’s mother Biyu raised their children: Jimmy and his younger twin sisters, Hou and Shui. Jimmy received the English name after his parents moved from Beijing to Hong Kong, and they hoped their infant son would adapt better.

But it did not really matter. Jimmy had a sheltered life in a large flat near the court’s parkland. He spent most of his time on the court’s green, playing with other children of the Changing Phantoms. Jimmy was raised vaguely Buddhist – like most hengeyokai, their religious beliefs were based out of traditional folklore. He attended a small private school, the Zhifan School of Excellence, over which the hengeyokai and Boli Zouiszhe (Glass Walker werewolves) commanded heavy influence. Almost all of his teachers and classmates were Kinfolk, too: it became known as “werewolf high”.

Above all, Jimmy was raised to be protective. He was not blood to the Garou but the Khan, an even more threatened breed. He soon turned his caution to his little sisters. Kung fu was an optional gym class that he embraced wholeheartedly. He displayed a natural knack for wushu, in fact, and became the undisputed best martial artist in school.

What He Can Do

Now, young Jimmy possessed many friends. He was a solemn and good-looking youth. He always had a girlfriend of some sort, though none of his adolescent relationships were ever serious or long term. He discovered a painful secret early on, too, when his doctor revealed that he was sterile (yes, such a medical examination is common among the hengeyokai even on youths).

Though this knowledge was kept private, it definitely affected his life. He vowed to make himself useful no matter what, whatever the Tribe might desire. Starting in 2000, Jimmy was given his first and sole duty: watching over his sisters. Even then, it became evident that they would both undergo the First Change and become full-fledged Khan. Knowing the gravity and importance of this potential, Jimmy became almost paranoid and overprotective of Hui and Shui. The Tribe issued the young man a stipend so that he might watch over his sisters effectively “full time”. When his eye wasn’t on the girls, he constantly practiced and honed his “tiger stance” hung fut style of kung fu. Attached not to the school but the hengeyokai court, his sifu Weizhe Xin was quite impressed with Jimmy’s natural talent.

Fortunately, his affectionate sisters did not rebel despite sensing their adolescent inclinations. Still, they were pretty girls and flirted frequently. As early as Jimmy’s own senior of high school he was forced to put his skills to use and defend their honor. A classmate, Ping Chao, remarked that he thought Hou and Shui were “hot”. And they were age ten at this point. So Jimmy tossed Chao a beatdown. Little did Jimmy know that Chao was destined to change (Stargazer), and did not realize the school teachers intervened to save Jimmy from Chao and not vice versa. They raced to defuse any latent rage the young Garou might have after being decked.

Tiger Style

However, the experience with Chao was not entirely unique. Jimmy frequently started fights in or near the school as young men hounded his lovely sisters. He usually won the battles, but even when the results were murky, the point was made: leave the twins be! For their part, Hou and Shui found it amusing, a game to play at Jimmy’s expense. Well, they were quite confident of their big brother’s capabilities.

Ultimately, Jimmy’s aggression proved symptomatic of his frustration. He felt denied, cheated that he could never have a family of his own. He did not know whom to blame, but especially accused Gaia herself! Weren’t the Khan close enough to extinction? Jimmy took on a metis mentality, putting the lives of his sisters before his own. He denied himself any real relationships – why bother? – and focused entirely on the twins. The courts requested that the twin cubs receive their education for the Great Burden in a less congested court, and so they were shipped overseas to the Court of the Gate of Thunder in San Francisco’s Chinatown. Naturally, Jimmy followed. What else did he have to live for if not the welfare and happiness and long lives of his family?

Significant Other

Because of his sterility yet strong love for his family, he remains very protective of his Trueborn baby sisters. In fact, it’s a jealous affection that turns into obsessive paranoia at the slightest hint of danger in these Khan cubs’ young lives. However, their exuberance and lack of compunction ensnared him fully, and before he realized it the three of them went to bed in early ’09 despite the taboo of incest. Although they continue to enjoy a romantic relationship, Jimmy is reluctantly willing to share his sisters with proper, virile Kinfolk mates. Of the twins, Shui seems to be the shyer of the two, and he is especially overprotective of her.

Eventually, the twins were recalled to China to serve their hengeyokai duties. Jimmy was commanded to stay, but suspicions of improprieties were unfounded. The twins found their way back to California, back to their big brother, and while a little more mature, they still looked up to Jimmy and loved him dearly. And he loved them.


Significant Other

Because of his sterility yet strong love for his family, he remains very protective of his Trueborn baby sisters. In fact, it’s a jealous affection that turns into obsessive paranoia at the slightest hint of danger in these Khan cubs’ young lives. However, their exuberance and lack of compunction ensnared him fully, and before he realized it the three of them went to bed in early ’09 despite the taboo of incest. Although they continue to enjoy a romantic relationship, Jimmy is reluctantly willing to share his sisters with proper, virile Kinfolk mates. Of the twins, Huo is more outgoing, and as a consequence Jimmy tries to keep her distracted and focused on her sister so she doesn’t get out of hand.

Eventually, the twins were recalled to China to serve their hengeyokai duties. Jimmy was commanded to stay, but suspicions of improprieties were unfounded. The twins found their way back to California, back to their big brother, and while a little more mature, they still looked up to Jimmy and loved him dearly. And he loved them.


Big Brother

His overprotective, hovering nature will probably alienate those closest to him, and those whom he needs and cares for the most. He's going to have to learn how to lighten up a little. Maybe that's why his sisters are playing his heart strings.

Likelihood of Corruption


Jimmy has the good fortune of being Kinfolk associated with a strong Beast-Court. The hengeyokai there regularly screen all their Kin for Yomi influences, making attempts of Bane possession much harder. And besides, he has a good heart despite that terrible curse.


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