Xoy Loy

Kin of the Nezumi
Bomber of the Daraku


~Xok Loy looks like any other young man of his generation: sportingly dressed and easygoing. Loy also comes across as an educated intellectual -- not the yuppie crowd, but definitely collegiate. The Cambodian keeps his raven hair trimmed short and a little mussy. His twitchy nose and light-brown eyes speak of attentive interest in the world around him, but the excitement is almost feverish. It's as if Loy was really just looking for something or someone to exploit. He's crazy-eyed. All the same, Loy seems possessed with a self-satisfied arrogance. He knows something you don't know! He knows something you don't know! But don't worry, others get the feeling it's something they wouldn't want to know anyway.~

OOC: Appearance 2; Pure Breed 2

"So long as it's rampant and noisy..."



Xok Sovann and Kalliyan ran on the streets of Phnom Penh for years. They dodged hostile forces of all sorts and played their own Natural Born Killers games in this capitol city of Kampuchea. Their survival hinged on Sovann's abilities as a Knife Skulking Nezumi killer. This wererat was known as Cold Edge and killed for money, favors, and even fun. Kalliyan was Nezumi Kin, a smart city girl with the stamina to keep up with her lover. Eventually they had a child and they named the Kin boy, Loy.

That was back in 1979. Life didn't change much for the Xok's after Loy's birth. They continued to wander the streets of Phnom Penh, earning money in very illegitimate fashions. Sometimes they stayed in unhealthy hovels. Sometimes they squatted in a time-share penthouse uptown. Loy's mother encouraged the boy's study, tearing him away from television to read books and hook him on education. She wanted him to be as smart or smarter than she.

Of course, their erratic lifestyle didn't always promise such opportunities. Loy didn't always have access to books (never mind a TV). Hell, sometimes Loy didn't even eat properly. Yet at the very least, both his parents made sure he was fed the legends of the Ratkin. Loy grew up on their tales and myths and beliefs. Indeed, Loy learned of their "mission" to cleanse the world of overpopulation and metaphysical stasis. Loy bought into it all. They were his parents, after all, and by far the greatest influence on his life.

Although TV did have a notable influence on Loy, too! He determined what he wanted to do with his life through the "idiot box" and the random violence it portrayed. The explosions, particularly, fascinated the youth. BOOM! He wanted to become the guy who made the booms. Loy wanted to blow up everyone that needed to be blown up. That's what bombs were for: whether they exploded with fire and debris or poisonous gas and deadly spores, he did not care. His parents liked his line of thinking.


So they pulled together lots of their reserved funds. When he was old enough, they paid for Loy to obtain the equivalent of a high school diploma. They paid in advance for his college tuition and sent him to the USA -- to Berkeley University in San Francisco, California. Though Loy lacked a formal education, he nonetheless proved an attentive and well-rounded student. He picked up more than the rudiments of English and behaved friendly and outgoing. Loy made a little circle of college pals and even had a Chinese-American girlfriend.

While at Berkeley, Loy always came across as a little wild and rambunctious. He talked "crazy" -- anarchy, nihilism, and even genocide. Though his peers and pals thought him weird, he was so good-natured about it all that it was just presumed to be a "college rebellion phase" many young men go through. Otherwise, Loy seemed very well rounded. When 9/11 went down, the Cambodian immigrant wasn't even blinked at. He wasn't even Muslim. And yet after his graduation (with honors), with a Masters in chemical science, Loy up and vanished.

Without a word to anyone, even his college girlfriend, Loy took his education and experiments and presented himself to his father, who came to visit in Los Angeles. Impressed, the aging Knife Skulker agreed to help Loy help the Nezumi. There were Nezumi who joined with the hengeyokai folk -- other shapeshifters from the Orient -- and who were all in small bits establishing homes in the West. Loy could help these immigrant Nezumi perform their doomsday deeds.

Years of the Rat

To that end, Loy's father hooked the recent graduate up with black market identities. These were the people who could acquire the often-illegal ingredients for his "WMDs". Most of these connections were established through the Cambodian street gangs in Los Angeles. Loy became a fringe face among them, living in a tiny apartment and working on his schematics, plans, and ideas.

This lasted only a few months before Loy was directed to relocate. The Nezumi didn't need him in LA; they wanted him in Kansas City's Little Asia district. Maintaining his West Coast connections, Xok Loy moved to the Midwest. He settled quietly into Little Asia, this time making his home right in the heart of the hengeyokai, in their Yamahasu Pagoda. But he stayed close to the asphalt, once more associating with local Cambodian gangs. He even made and sold a few bombs (explosive weapons, not chemical) to Ratkin in the city -- Western Rats, that was. Loy yearned to aid his Nezumi family, and waited with little patience for them to gather a Deceit and call upon his expertise. Everyday he saw and heard better and better reasons to wipe the slate clean. The world begged for him to share his knowledge!

Significant Other

Xok Loy met the Skulker, Fen-Ji, when they both recently arrived to Little Asia in mid-autumn of 2006. Fen-Ji was fascinated by Loy's technical know-how while he was just attracted to her animal magnetism. Not surprising for their ratty heritage, the pair hopped right in the sack. Their relationship was admittedly founded predominantly on sex. But for a shapeshifting species based on an animal that averages sex twenty times a day, it's not shocking. There's much these two can offer each other beyond rutting as well, and Loy looks forward to exploiting their carnal relationship. He suspects she feels the same way. Marriage? Pff. They don't need to be married for him to knock her up over and over and over... Yet, likely due to their high-strung lifestyles, no babies yet. Yet.


Extreme Measures

Loy buys into the Ratkin ideal of a toppled civilization where rats prevail over wolves and monkeys alike. But genocide is not the answer to the earth's problems. Unchecked chaos will not bring balance to a world imbalanced with stasis and corruption. It'll just be chaos -- not that Loy cares about the difference.

Likelihood of Corruption


His beliefs don't make him more or less vulnerable to corruption. He's too insane to want destruction and chaos for any reason besides chaos and destruction. However, he's only Kin, and can be as readily corrupted or possessed by outer forces as any other human.


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