Yurii Mirosky

Kin of the Silver Fangs
Son of House Crescent Moon
Combat Consultant of Quiet War Pack


~A Caucasian man with firm build and vigor, Yurii appears to be just over the thirty mark. Reserved and quiet in demeanor, Yurii always seems to maintain an air of distinction above his fellow man. It’s as if he knows something most people do not. Perhaps it’s just arrogance. Yurii dons nice slacks and leather shoes. His collared shirt boasts any one of many popular brand names. A black suede jacket or wool overcoat often encases the man’s torso. Though not bald, Yurii wears his light-toned hair with a military shave. It only seems to enforce his stoic and disciplined nature. Blue eyes stay sharp over crisp features. Perhaps it’s his lack of a smile, but Yurii doesn’t entirely appeal to the eye as beauty goes. Nonetheless, to those with the nose, he bears a tangible scent of primal strength and breeding.~

OOC: Appearance 2; Pure Breed 2; Feral Appearance

“You must have the wrong person. I’m just your average private citizen struggling to achieve the American dream. I’d really rather not be bothered."



The Sept of the Crescent Moon can boast many noble families among the Russian Garou. One of the foremost were the Driashk. Yurii was the second born of Direk and Mironova Driashk. His brother Parovat was almost ten years his elder. But both siblings were born with good auspice pointing to eventual Change. Yurii was born upon a bright full moon and Parovat on a crisp crescent. Yurii was brought up in the ways of the Garou and the noblesse oblige of the Silver Fangs. The chill of the forests of the Ural Mountains were an excellent place to develop and test one’s mettle.

And since it seemed to be destined that he would change to fulfill the kingly warrior role of Ahroun, Yurii drilled in the fighting arts. He learned all he could as a child, training in a variety of combat skills. One day, he would Change, and he must have the requisite abilities -- that’s what he thought at least. He watched Parovat undergo his Change years before he would likely do so, and was proud of his older brother. Parovat was a serious young man, embracing his responsibilities so intently. Yurii would do the same when he was ready to Change.

Birthday after birthday rolled by and he never changed. Teenage hormones could not be mistaken for the lack of the full-blooded Wolf in his heart. Yurii grew frustrated as the years ticked by, only partially reassured that he would Change but at a later date. He began to envy his brother who was already beginning to rise through the ranks of Garou society. By his eighteenth birthday, there was still no shapeshifting. Though perhaps the impulse was premature, Yurii simply gave up on the hopes. He promised to serve his family still -- just not by sitting around and training for nothing.


So Yurii enlisted in the Soviet Republic’s Army. His well-honed skills earned him a quick transfer after basic training to the feared KGB. Of course, it was in time to see his homeland’s Communist government beginning to crumble. It was late 1987. Nevertheless, Yurii knew his Tribe would find a KGB agent loyal to them very useful. Carefully, Yurii fed state secrets to the Silver Fangs.

And as this agent, Yurii did indeed witness a great deal of…naughty…things. As Gorbachev slowly tried to gear Russia towards capitalism, lifestyles were crumbling. People were losing their patriotism. Treachery was common. And Yurii had to kill more than a couple traitors to the USSR before the Berlin Wall finally fell. But the average siege conspiracies weren’t the only difficulties with which Yurii dealt.

While in Leningrad, Yurii’s team of operatives were under orders to eliminate a traitor holed up in a squalid apartment. But they weren’t prepared to find the traitor already being “taken care of” by some other agent. And this agent had a strange fetish for drinking blood… Yurii had only heard stories about the night-monsters, the vampyr. The KGB team sought answers, but the monster only leapt out a window. They were left with the drained corpse of their target. Yurii could only assume one of two things: the vampire was seeking a quick meal and picked their seditious target coincidentally, or more likely was intent on killing the traitor for the same reason. And from that assumption, Yurii estimated that the undead were very much active in Russian politics and even secret KGB activities…

Mercenary Days

When the Iron Curtain was dropped and Communism officially ended, many Russians snatched up whatever opportunities they could. Yurii was no exception. However, instead of grabbing power or wealth, Yurii grabbed a ride out of the country. He dropped a line to his Garou family when he arrived to Krakow. There he remained for a few months to sort out his assets and connections. His stay was cut a bit short, however, when a pack of Get of Fenris in the area discovered him and recognized his heritage. They demanded he leave and knowing better than to argue with a bunch of short-fused werewolves, Yurii left mainland Europe altogether.

He landed in England, adopting a temporary alias. He made a few telephone calls and was soon in touch with some of Britain’s lowest criminal fronts. For them he was willing to work as a troubleshooter. He needed the money. And the London thugs insured he was never out of work for several years. Yurii took this time to also form as many contacts in the area and abroad as possible. It helped that some of his “hitman” missions drew him across the Atlantic to Canada and the U.S.

In fact, it was a job in Las Vegas in 1999 that killed his career in England. Unaware of an abrupt “policy shift” in the organization for which he was working, assassins were dispatched to America to clear up all loose ends…including him. At the mission initiation point, he and his target were ambushed by a total of twelve gunmen -- six on both. His target was taken out before he could blink. But Yurii was much sharper than that, and turned his automatic assault rifle on his ambushers. Three were dead before he threw himself out of a four story window…but not before hurtling a grenade towards the rest of the hitmen.

He fell on his side purposely, dislocating his shoulder on the hard pavement. But he still had his good hand, and used it to blaze down the other six hitmen as they tried to make their way from the target’s building across the street. He stormed that building and met them in the entranceway, Mini-Uzi shredding their bodies. Then he made good his escape into the night.

Royal Trainer

Yurii severed almost all of his former connections in England. In the America, he changed his surname to Mirosky. He traveled to Kansas City -- a randomly chosen city in the humdrum Midwest really. There he called his family up again. There was no pleading, no crying -- he simply told them of his current crisis with no expectation of aid. He simply wanted to let them know he’d be staying in America from then on. To his surprise, the Silver Fangs invited him to help the Tribe as a combat trainer. His brother, now a high-ranking Theurge in the Sept, praised Yurii’s skills. In exchange for training Kin and cubs, he would receive a monthly stipend from the family’s vast wealth. And that would be all that they required.

The Kin quickly decided to agree to the terms. The idea that he could be of some use to the Tribe initially impressed the man. Money already began to flow into his bank account even though he did not immediately train anyone. He purchased a nice home in Rolling Hills suburbia, not far from the woods. Indeed, local Garou inhabited these woods and a representative approached Yurii. He was invited to congress with the Sept of the Moon Lake, for there were a few young Silver Fangs present there, too. Yurii agreed only to the same deal that the distant Sept of the Crescent Moon had made. He would train cubs or Kin for a price. Since then, his relations with the local Garou remained distant and aloof. He suspected it was because other Tribes controlled the Sept and disliked the Silver Fangs.

So his first training gig came from Russia in 2000. A Silver Fang cub born under the half moon came to his home. Yurii took the young Philodox under wing and taught him everything he could. The teenage boy could only learn so much in six months, but was much better armed than he began when he finally returned to Mother Russia. Yurii’s brother, Perovat, called to praise his ability. But instead of feeling gracious, Yurii politely accepted the praise while silently fuming. He felt as if his brother mocked him, his failed genetics. The old envy flamed up again. Yurii pondered how he might get even with Perovat, to set things straight between he and the “great” Sets-the-North-Star (as Perovat was known among Garou).

Silver Lady

And Yurii’s opportunity finally came in late 2003. After two uneventful years that Yurii took to stockpile resources and tools, and to cultivate contacts near and far, Perovat called again. But this time, Yurii was to train his own niece. Mira Driashk was recently Changed and needed combat training. She was, after all, Ahroun. What irony! What vicious irony! Yurii would not let this injustice go unanswered…and Mira was the tool he needed to even the odds between he and his presumptuous brother for good. Unfortunately, he was still only Kin without real tribal power, and she was plucked from grasp. He would have to find some other way to balance the scales. Maybe Mira's little sister...

Significant Other

Yurii is supposed to be teaching Mira Driashk how to fight. He was not supposed to take his own niece into bed in 2003, seduce her into a life of constant and hot incest, and ultimately teach her very little. These two Silver Fangs squander their time away enjoying one another's affections. The Kin realizes he has no better way to get even with his older brother by making love to his brother's Trueborn daughter, perhaps even planting his seed in Mira's belly. But the girl proved insatiable, as if she were a sexually obsessed creature. And, in fact, she is, making it a test for Yurii to just keep up with her and make sure she doesn't slink off into someone else's bed. Yurii and Mira confess love and lust alike for each other. How deep either emotion really runs is a matter of debate. But one thing is for sure, Yurii doesn't want Mira to ever go home. Now he has to figure out a way to keep her here in his home, in his life.

Unfortunately, Mira was called home in 2009. There was suspicion of “impropriety” and she was summoned before she embarrassed the Tribe.


Significant Other

Names: Evgenia "Jenya" Driashk; 2012
Nature: Erotic



Yurii wishes he was Trueborn. Yurii envies the Garou for their inherent gift. Fortunately, he is well-bred enough not to stoop to so low a level as a Skin Dancer. But it doesn't change the fact that as Kinfolk loyalty goes, he's on the lower end of the spectrum.

Likelihood of Corruption


Despite his reserved exterior, Yurii is an angry man. He envies his Changing relatives for their gifts and trains tirelessly to match and exceed the Garou's battle skills. This is a serious psychological flaw that could be exploited if the Wyrm were to find him. His private life keeps him away from most potential sites of corruption, thankfully.


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