Justin Hanraoi

Sidhe Kinain, House Ailil
Cabal of the Feuding Forest
Destined Hero of the Merinita


~Regal youth defines Justin Hanraoi, a young man on the brink of genius and enlightenment. This handsome teenager is quite self-assured and upright in bearing, as if he were nobly born -- and maybe he was. But he's all-American, judging by the preppy and expensive Perry Ellis slacks and silk shirts he strives to keep clean while he strolls through in sharp suede shoes. Silver glitters from rings on his fingers and from a chain around his neck. Justin keeps his black hair short and styled conservatively, as if he planned early to get involved in national politics. But his bright gray eyes brim with intensity. A mysterious smile lingers on the thin youth's good looks, and a tingle of wonder surrounds his every step. Justin is going somewhere great, and he knows it.~

OOC: Appearance 3; Faerie Blood 2, Feth Fiada 2

"Well, when you're as gifted and brilliant as I..."


Boy Wonder

Not every child got the advantage of being born into a magical family. Justin Hanraoi was given that wondrous gift in 1991. Everyone in his family, nuclear and extended, were related to the fae or were wizards in their own rights. They were all Kinain to House Ailil if not Sidhe themselves, or wizards or at least acolytes of House Merinita. Brandon and Whitney Hanraoi were Kinain, while Justin’s grandfather, Ellister Hanraoi, was a full-fledged Awakened Merinita mage. Justin was the only child until his parents adopted Tanith, a young Ailil Sidhe.

On top of having such a grand family, Justin was raised in a great upper class suburban neighborhood on Long Island, in New York. There was no serious crime here ever and Justin attended private school. The Hanraois did not go to church, however. No, they were genuine Pagans, and held ceremonies on all the major dates, such as Beltaine, Mayday, and Samhain. Justin excelled in school – he was quite a bright kid. And his family encouraged him to be confident and ambition.

Justin’s faerie heritage was quite obvious due to his physical intolerance of cold iron. But that little trait paled to what the Seers recognized in the auspice of Justin’s birth. The oracles predicted that Justin would Awaken and lead House Merinita far. They also foresaw Justin leading the Sidhe back to power -– both Courts, not just the Unseelie! And Justin beheld his own visions of destiny whenever he had flashes of his past legacy. With that incredible future laid out at his feet, it was no wonder Justin became so conceited! At least that arrogance didn’t take away his ambition. Justin studied hard even at home, though those studies were largely occult and paganistic. Justin was a bit of a geek, isolated from his schoolmates and peers. Once he went from school, his friends were left behind. He had no one but his older adopted sister, and she was…well…even more domineering and bitchy than he ever was!

Living the Day Dreams

Of course, as Justin entered his adolescence he grew more and more insufferable. His snobby and overconfident attitude worsened and his family did all too little to discourage it. Grandfather Ellister tried to keep Justin off the path of hubris. But the old wizard was growing senile and Dreamstruck, and couldn’t influence the headstrong youth. At most his grandfather was good for teaching Justin all about true magick.

But Justin couldn’t command that magick yet. He grew worried about the fact that he hadn’t Awakened yet. But his family assured him that some people, even the greatest of wizards, did not Awaken for years into their life. As his impatience grew, he began to irritate even his snobbiest schoolmates. He was beat up once after school in late 2003. Naturally, the outraged teen swore revenge. But he was promptly chided for uttering such a silly Oath: one example of his parents’ pitiful attempts to rein in Justin’s ego!

More of a danger to Justin was his grandfather actually. While training in the rituals of Merinita magic in 2004, Ellister’s Dreamstruck spells went awry. In the flare-up of pure Quintessence/Glamour, Justin was injured bodily. But his mind suffered more, hit by a Quiet-like madness. His parents sent the sensitive if snobby boy to psychological treatment for three months – all of summer. Justin recovered his sanity at the end of the therapeutic residence. But now he understood the danger of magic versus Banality in the real world. When he finally did Awaken and took up the mantle of his very important Destiny, Justin Hanraoi would know how to maintain that balance and seize all that he deserved.

Past Life

Only beginning to tap his previous incarnations, even before he Awakens Justin realizes that his Avatar has been pursuing his special Destiny through several life times. That should leave a bitter taste in the conceited boy's mouth. But he's quite certain that this life, his life, will be the fulfillment of that grand fate. Visions from the past come unbidden to date. They haunt more frequently after he's stretched his awareness to the spirit world. His mentors recommend he try to meditate and extend his willpower over those memories, but he's too undisciplined to bother at this point in his young life.

Significant Other

Tatiana Hanraoi is not Justin's real older sister. She was adopted years ago. The Ailil Sidhe is Justin's every match for charm and conceit, but Justin knows he has the greater destiny to take and fulfill. Nonetheless, Tati seduced the youth with a mind to take as much of the power promised this future wizard as possible. Neither expected to hit it off with one another so dramatically in 2007. They agree they can and will rule together, restoring the power and glory of the Unseelie as king and queen. Sure, it's a whimsical fantasy, but these young people don't have any illusions about each other in that future at least.

But their ambitions and true natures, so alike, began to drive a wedge between them in 2009, and they bitterly broke off their incestuous affair. A year later, they reconciled, promising a long yet volatile relationship.


Noble Pride

Justin is quite proud of his lineage and destiny. He despises "peasant scum" (such as his schoolmates, and really about anyone else). This arrogance makes Justin vulnerable to manipulation and even flattery, provided one doesn't hate the insufferable boy so much one would rather murder him instead!

Likelihood of Corruption


Justin is well protected from immediate corruption thanks to his selfish and vain heart, save corruption through that hubris. But more likely, Justin is liable to be sucked into the schemes of the Shadow Court, his destiny pawned off as their way to bring the Fomorians to power.


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