Duggan Clancy

Pooka Kinain of the Dreamzoo Motley
Proprietor of the PlayPen Pet Plus Store


~Something about Duggan Clancy just cries out "Eeyore!" Maybe it's the uncertain, wavering smile on his face or the droop to his eyes, or even the stubborn linger of his Australian accent. Whatever the case, while Dugg isn't the prettiest boy around, he's not as ugly as a donkey at least. He usually dresses decently, too, favoring dark sylvan colors in his apparel. Whether in a suit or casual "grunge style" threads, Dugg blends into the common hip crowd. His personal style doesn't really stand out, especially with his pasty features and short-trimmed red hair. Those hazel eyes sweeten the effect with nothing but kindness. The young man is still reveling in his 20s, probably just out of college, but he seems content and relaxed with wherever he landed. Yet still his gaze is drawn outwards, yearning for something beyond the horizon.~

OOC: Appearance 2; Faerie Blood 2

"This beautiful purebred has gotten her shots and she has papers. Of course she costs an arm and a leg!"

"But...sign this guarantee of good treatment and she's yours for half-price!"



Twenty-eight years ago on a ranch outside of Sydney, Australia, was Duggan born to an energetic family. The Clancys, Todd and Mary, were pleased with their third and last son; now the children were numerically symmetrical, with three boys and three girls (in order of birth, they were Jason, Reginald, Duggan; the ladies were Cara, Deboree, and Wilhemina). Dugg's large family outgrew the ranch eventually, save for his hard-working parents and himself. Dugg loved living on the ranch. He always connected with the beasts of the field and the domestic pets in the house. It even seemed to him at times that he was connected to the very earth, for it seemed to whisper to him and the grasses seemed to pet his bare feet. Yes, nature was good.


Nature was good and banks were evil. Although happiness was abound in the Clancy family, financial affairs were not going so well. Dugg's father wasn't the wisest investor or gambler around and debts were called. The Clancys had to give up their ranch and move into the city. Duggan was lucky in that he and Billie (Wilhemina) were both finishing school anyway and on merit of scholarships (for they were all quite bright, if a bit foolish at times) Dugg was able to attend the University of Australia in Sydney.

At first, Duggan pursued a graduate course in business for the hope of reclaiming the Clancy Ranch. But he realized that wasn't possible not by any "magic man" persuasion. Duggan dreamed of the disaster he would bring upon himself if he tried to pursue that dream. He slipped into a period of misery, wondering if the vision he had could come true. Even as he wondered, he began to have more visions of the future near and far. Duggan ended up dropping out of school midway through his junior year. He was just too troubled.

Fairy Wings

Then a sweetheart girlfriend helped clear things up. Yes, sometimes all it took was a little love. Her name was Angelina "Bumbelina" Vart. Bumbelina wasn't a nice nickname, but Dugg called her "Honey" all the time instead. And for good reason. She sensed his fey heritage and called him upon it, revealing through Enchantment that she was one of the faeries of eld -- Pooka she was, and one of bumblebee legacy. Fascinating! Duggan leaped at this opportunity; the revelation swept into fill the gap his life was becoming. Due to that very heritage, Dugg readily accepted these facts of the world: about the existence of the Dreaming and fae and so much more. Duggan even learned how to tap and channel bits of that heritage he commanded, and his girlfriend helped him identify his own animal kinship: donkeys. Donkeys, ha! So much to learn, and so little time, it seemed.

In fact, there was so much to learn he couldn't remember it all. And when "Bumbelina" became attracted to sweeter-smelling flowers in other fields, Dugg was left reeling in confusion and the Mists, weakened though they might have been for him. Life wasn't at all what Duggan hoped it was cut out to be. His brothers and sisters were succeeding well enough in life and his parents carved out their own new niche in town. Yet here was Duggan Clancy, more aware of his true identity than anyone else in his clan, and stumbling along in life dogged by more confusion and uncertainty.

Play Pen

There was only one thing to do. Run away! So that was what Duggan ended up doing. He fled not only Sydney but also Australia, immigrating to the United States. He spent a few years working pointless jobs to make ends meet in the suburbs of Seattle. He had funds to call upon: leftover savings from before his life fell apart. But pragmatism demanded that he save them for doing something special.

His calling finally came when he finally had a run-in with another changeling after so long. Another Pooka caught scent of Dugg's heritage and cornered him about it. Dugg surprised himself by telling this dog Pooka, a friendly if pushy bloke named Zavenport, all about his experiences with the fae so far. He could actually remember! Or did Zavenport just Enchant him again? Who knows?

Over several rounds of drinks and a number of joints, Zavenport encouraged Dugg to follow his dream. Dugg knew he couldn't reclaim the Clancy Ranch now, but why couldn't he follow his dream of working with animals? With the Pooka's inspiration, Duggan decided a pet store was in order! With some research and funneling of funds, Duggan landed a great site for a pet shop, albeit one a fair distance from Washington State. Centropolis, Missouri, yielded the promise he sought. Dugg packed his few things and moved east to stake his claim in the American Dream.

Significant Other

Dugg met Janie Wilde in the summer of 2006 and knows he must be one of the luckiest blokes around. Not only is she a fellow Aussie migrant like he, but she's Pooka! The tough kangaroo kickboxin' Pooka gal hooked up with Dugg, attracted to his kinship and kindness and entertained by his occasional mood swings. Dugg gave her food to eat and a roof over her head and showered her with nothing but compliments and affection. In return, she teaches him all about the Dreaming, how to kickbox, and how to, uhh, bounce. Their relationship will no doubt be a roller coaster, but they're anchors to each other in America, and will probably stick close for some time to come.



While Duggan isn't as stupid as a jackass, he can be as stubborn as one. In part, it's due to his Pooka heritage, and half-playful as a result. But his silly stubborn games can get him in more trouble than he knows, especially once he starts playing "with the big boys" -- full-fledged changelings or Prodigals.

Likelihood of Corruption


Dugg's a really nice guy. He's a sweetheart really. But he's also blithely ignorant to the dangers in this world, especially those of purposeful villainy who would seek to corrupt his innocence.


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